Abstraction offers a unique opportunity to delve into the space between the visible and the invisible. Acting as a conduit connecting the tangible and the intangible, it encourages us to explore various interpretations in a dreamlike state.
In this abstract oil painting by California resident artist Erik Fiazi, the canvas is full of dynamic, nervous brush gestures, evoking images that might recall a continent or torn fabric. Whether it is the phalanges of a fist ready to burst and rip the canvas or a nation symbolized by colors that could be similar to those of a flag. There are so many possible interpretations. In any case, the work releases a raw and unbridled energy, Charged with a force worthy of a revolution like a raised fist, with its red which invades our entire field of vision, a rebellion underlined by the nervousness of the gestures of application of colors next to each other and also on top of each other, probably applied both with a knife and with a large brush.
There is thickness and a lot of density.
Abstraction is a challenging genre because, beyond the technique, the magic lies in the ability to penetrate the viewer’s heart.
By contemplating this work through the prism of allegorical reading, we can discern the echoes of a nation in turmoil: a landscape emptied of its green splendor; in fact, green appears in the minority, invaded by the burning red of destruction and flames. The central block resembles an island adrift in a navy blue sea, evoking isolation and vulnerability after a tumultuous storm. The foam of the waves reminds us of the instability inherent in life. Yet within this chaos lies a profound lesson: while the surface may churn under the unleashing of the elements, the bottom of the ocean remains still, offering a symbolic parallel to the importance of maintaining solid foundations amidst the turbulence of life.
Eric Fiazi started art training overseas at age 13. From the beginning, his fascination with color was noteworthy. He was dramatically influenced by the color and serenity of the landscape near the Caspian Sea, where he grew up.
His artistic vision was honed through training, yet his work’s fascination with color remained an innate and profound aspect.
He said: “I hope that my art will speak for itself, without words, which are unnecessary.”
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